Nov. 5, 2003. At 4pm Rasputina played at a record store here, Euclid Records. Thanks to KIM for the heads up!!! They did New Zero (she called it everyone's favorite song), Rats, Rock N Roll and 2 new songs: One about a man and his cow and one about Nostradamus. It was just her and Zoe and the drummer guy had a tambourine. Never seen them quite this stripped down but it was lovely! I shot one 20 sec video (no sound) and took a couple pictures. She signed my How We Quit The Forest ltd ed book thing, "Love Melora". :)
Sorry the pics are so crap but we could barely see Melora and co this time as there were a ton of people in front of us. And since Rasputina sit down to play their cellos we could just barely see their heads when we stood on our tippy toes. I hope they come back again and play a better venue!
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