At the last minute I found out Pulp had been added to the list of bands to play at an all day festival here in St. Louis. 99.9% of the other bands playing were pure crap but of course I had to make the investment to go see Jarvis and co. I was happy they were only on the side stage instead of the main stage because that meant we could actually see them and be close-ish. Pulp had just come from Hawaii on their tour where Jarvis had picked up some freaky flu or something. But they performed fabulously nonetheless. Jarvis was stylin' in his matching blue shirt and shoes. My favourite song they did was probably I Spy. There was much pogo-ing and general jumping around in the crowd once the rednecks figured out it wasn't Goldfinger on the stage and wandered off leaving more room for us. The people who remained were true fans who sang along to every word. An excellent time was had by all.